Search Engine Optimization


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is used to draw traffic to the site organically. There are many types of SEO that, when used together, make your website easy to access on google.

Magnificent Marketer uses best practices to develop a business plan to meet your business goals.

On-page SEO

All the measures you take to make your web page rank higher on search engines. On-Page SEO includes Content SEO, Optimizing your Page Titles, H1 Tags, Headings and Images Including Filename and ALT Text, and Page Formating.

Technical SEO

Includes everything used to help Google Bots crawl, interpret and index the pages of your site. Technical SEO includes Site Structure, URL Structure, XML Sitemaps, Making your Site Mobile Friendly, Finding and Fixing Crawl Errors, and Adding Structured Data.

Off-Page SEO

Refers to everything done off your site to enhance your site’s performance in Google search results. Off-Page SEO includes ranking factors such as Link Building and various Social Media Networks and Forums.

Local SEO

Local SEO refers to your Google My Business Account, Local Business Schema, and Citations, which are an online reference to a business that features the business’ name, address, and phone number (NAP).

Do you need help with Search Engine Marketing? Email me at or fill out the form below for a FREE consultation. I can’t wait to hear from you!